Lactic Acid Bacteria

Mixture As A Growth Promoter


Desi Cow Milk

Quantity : 3 Liters

Rice Rinse Water

Quantity : 1 Liters


  • It is used as Fungicide.
  • It is used to soften the hard land.
  • It is used as growth enhancer.
  • It is used for vegetables, fruits or any crops.
  • This can be added used for Cows and Buffalos to increase the digestive system.
  • Can be sprayed in Poultry farms.
  • Can also be used in Poultry industry.


  • Take Rise Rinse water of 1 liter in container having lid -preferably in glass or porcelain JAR.
  • Take water for first two rinses only.
  • Add 1:3 Ratio ( Rice water : Cow Milk) of pure Desi cow milk.
  • Stir well with stick and tie a newspaper with rubber band or tightly tie with thin rope.
  • Store in dark place with no direct sunlight.
  • Wait till 4-5 days and open careful the container, make sure the container is gently moved.
  • Now slowly open the newspaper and observe that there are three layers formed.
    1. Yellowish layer.
    2. White layer.
    3. White water.
  • Remove the Yellow layer very very carefully and keep it aside. ( make sure the yellow is not mixed with water while removing and don’t move the container very often.
  • Now remove the White layer too and discard the yellow and while formation.
  • Now the white-water content is called LAB.


  • 1 Liter of LAB can be added to 1000 Liter of water.
  • This 1000 liter can be sprayed in 5- 10 acres based on plant density.
  • While using for Animals and poultry 1 ml should be mixed with 1 liter of water.
  • This can also be used in DRIP irrigation.


  • Can be stored in the refrigerated condition in 15 Degree Celsius.
  • Also can be stored by adding black jaggery for a longer duration.
  • The LAB smells Sweet and if the smell is rotten please discards and make fresh preparation.
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