Saptha Danyakura Kashyam

Mixture As A Growth Promoter


Desi Cow Urine

Quantity : 10 Liters


Quantity : 200 Liters

Sesame Seeds

Quantity : 100 Grams

Green Gram

Quantity : 100 Grams

Horse Gram

Quantity : 100 Grams

Bengal Gram

Quantity : 100 Grams

Black Gram

Quantity : 100 Grams

Local Wheat

Quantity : 100 Grams

Cow Pea

Quantity : 100 Grams


 Best to be sprayed at seed/bud/milky stages of fruits/flowers. Shining of fruits, resistance power and seed quality increases.


  • Take 100 GMS of Sesame seeds in a bowl and add water to it.  Ensure that all seeds get soaked into water. Keep the bowl inside a room
  • After 24 hours take Green gram 100 GMS, Horse Gram 100 GMS, Bengal Gram 100 GMS, Black Gram 100 GMS, Local Wheat 100 GMS and Cow Pea 100GMS and mix them well
  • Put above mixture in a big bowl and add water to it. Ensure that all seeds get soaked into water. Keep the bowl inside a room
  • Next day remove these pulses from water and put them in a wet cloth and hang it. Put Sesame seeds in a separate wet cloth and hang it.
  • Ensure that water in the above bowls is not thrown away
  • Once the above pulses and Sesame seeds sprout for 1cm take them from wet cloth. Make a paste of the pulses and Sesame seeds together.
  • Take 200 liters of water and add 10 Liters of Desi Cow Urine to it. Add the pulses paste and water in the bowls to it.. Mix it with hand thoroughly.
  • Stir it with stick in clock wise direction. Keep it for 2 hours for ionization. Chemically it will set
  • After 2 hours filter it with a cloth and store it .


 This filtered Saptha Danyankura Kashayam is for one acre.


  • We should not use grinder or mixture to make the pulses paste. Paste should be made using hand and stone. 
  • We should not dilute the Saptha Danyankura Kashayam.
  • As Sesame seed long time to sprout we are taking them separately


48 Hours

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